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Astral Sorcery

Rock Crystal Stats
Properties Max Tier Starlight Collection Ritual Effect Ritual Range Tool Durability Tool Effectiveness Lens Transfer Lens Amount Lens Effect
Size 3 20% 20% 15% 2
Purity 2 40% 40% 40% 15% 16.67%
Shape 3 25% 25% 25% 10% (Up to 60%) 20%
Tool Durability 3 25%
Tool Efficiency 3 15% (Up to 60%)
Ritual Effect 3 30%
Ritual Range 3
Collection Rate 3 20% 20%
Focus: Constellation 2 30% 30% 35%
The property 'Focus: Constellation' is only active if the Focus matches the attunement of the crystal. Starlight Collection is used by (celestial) collector crystals, and by the crystal on top of a ritual pedestal. Ritual Effect is used by the crystal on top of a ritual pedestal. Ritual Range is used by the crystal on top of a ritual pedestal. Tool Durability is used by (infused) crystal tools. Tool Durability is used by (infused) crystal tools. Shape caps at tier 6 while Tool Efficiency caps out at tier 4 per tool. Lens Transfer is used for the starlight transfer through a crystal lens or a crystal prism. Lens Amount is used for obtaining more crystal lenses per craft. Lens Effect is used by crystal lenses or crystal prisms with coloured lenses in them.
Rock Crystals can hold a total of up to 7 tiers (attributes). Celestial crystals can hold 10. For example, a rock crystal can hold no more than Size 3, Purity 2, and Ritual Range 2 (3+2+2=7). Crystal tools combine the properties of the crystals used to make them.


Get the Astral Tome + Resonating Wand. Find the first 5 constellation papers and put a crafting table near a Collector Crystal. Make sure the Crystal has a clear view to the sky. While holding the Resonating Wand in your off-hand, run/fly around the night and look for shiny spots on the ground, dig down and look for Rock Crystals.


Craft the Lightwell, throw some Aquamarines in it, and craft the Starlight Crafting Altar. Get the Looking Glass, 8x Astral Relays and optionally a Cave Illuminator.


Get the Linking Tool, put Iron Ore next to a collector Crystal and link the Crystal to the ore. make a bunch of Starmetal Ingots. Craft the Telescope, Attunement Altar and Starmetal Cutting Tool. Finally, the Celestial Altar.


Get the Starlight Infuser. Get one of your Rock Crystals and throw it in Liquid Starlight together with Starmetal Dust. Craft the Iridescent Altar. Get the Starlight Infuser.

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