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To get started in Mekanism you just need coal, osmium, redstone and iron to make some steel. The Official Mekanism Wiki has a lot of information on the setup of machines and how they can be used. Also, the Surviving with Mekanism series by RagePlaysGames is top notch! Every video has chapters so you can easily skip to the section you need, and each video is divided into intro, mats, crafting, building, and how to use. You can’t go wrong.

Fission Reactor Diagram
graph TD
W(((Water))) --> ES_O[Electrolytic Separator]
S(((Sulfur))) --> CO_SD[Chemical Oxidizer]
ES_O -- Oxygen --> CO_SD -- Sulfur Dioxide --> CI_ST[Chemical Infuser]
W --> RC_WV[Rotary Condensentrator]
CI_ST -- Sulfur Trioxide --> CI_SA[Chemical Infuser]
RC_WV -- Water Vapor --> CI_SA
F(((Fluorite))) --> CDC_HA[Chemical Dissolution Chamber]
CI_SA -- Sulfuric Acid --> CDC_HA
CDC_HA -- Hydrofluoric Acid --> CI_UH[Chemical Infuser]

U ----> EC_YCU[Electrolytic Separator]
EC_YCU -- Yellow Cake Uranium --> CO_UO[Chemical Oxidizer]
CO_UO -- Uranium Oxide --> CI_UH

CI_UH -- Uranium Heaxfluoride --> IC_FF[Isotopic Centrifuge]
IC_FF -- Fissile Fuel --> R{REACTOR}

Accidentally leaked radiation? /mek radiation removeAll, /mek radiation heal

Mekanism | CurseForge