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All The Mods 9 Frequently Asked Questions

Gameplay FAQs
Why can’t I use modular router and watering can?

By default, Mystical Agriculture does not allow fake players to automate watering cans. If you dislike this change, it can be changed within config/mysticalagriculture-common.toml > fakePlayerWatering = true.

Do I need to chunkload all the chunks my Chunk Destroyer is going to mine?

You do not need to load chunks you’re mining. You only need to chunkload the chunk the Chunk Destroyer is in.

How do I remove enchants from a book/weapon?
  • Drop an anvil onto Obsidian with the enchanted book/weapon along with Books for each separate enchantment (EX: You have a book with 3 different enchants, you’d need 3 books to split those enchants).
  • Enchant the anvil with Splitting (Only splits books/weapons with 1 enchant) or Obliteration (Splits any number of enchants)
  • Use the Enchantment Extractor from Industrial Foregoing. Provide it with Books and Power, and it will extract each enchantment on all enchanted items/books to singular books. It can also be configured to push extracted enchantments into the Enchantment Library from Apotheosis.
What’s the little 3D cube next to my crosshair?

It’s from Quark, the default keybind to toggle it is K.

How do I find ‘insert name’ biome?

Nature’s Compass is a really nice tool to find any and all biomes in the modpack. Craft it, right click with it in your hand, and you can run the search for any biome you are looking for (such as the Deep Dark).

How do I change /home, /tpa etc cooldown?

To change the behavior of /home or to re-enable /back and /rtp, edit saves/worldName/serverconfig/ftb-essentials.snbt. The world/server has to be stopped for the changes to take effect.

Why is flight disabled?

Flight is disabled in certain dimensions (The Other, Blue Skies, and Twilight Forest), to add more difficulty towards progression. If you dislike this change, it can be disabled in worldName/serverconfig/noflyzone.snbt

Technical FAQs
I can’t complete ‘name of quest’ even though I fufilled the requirements?

You can edit quests in the bottom right of the quest screen and then r-click the broken quest and force complete it.

I have my chunks force loaded, but they don’t run when I’m logged off.
  1. Press M to open the map.
  2. Press Ctrl+S to open the server settings (requires OP).
  3. Change Forceloading Mode to always.
What’s the difference between ATM9 and ATM9: No Frills?

Here is a comparison

Why isn’t ‘insert name’ mod in ATM9 yet?

ATM packs does not literally contain “All The Mods”. Our main focus is having mods that’s not: 1) buggy, 2) ruins performance or progression. If a mod supports Minecraft version 1.20.1, and Forge (Not NeoForge), you may make a suggestion.

I found a bug/dupe in the pack. How can I report it?

To report bugs, dupes or similar, head over to the ATM9 GitHub and open a new issue describing the occurrence.

What are the recommended Java arguments for this pack?
  • Client arguments: send ?args in the #bot-spam channel in our Discord.
  • Server arguments: send ?svargs in the #bot=spam channel in our Discord.
Why does my game crash while launching?

Lack of RAM most likely. Send ?allocate in the #bot-spam channel in our Discord to learn how to allocate more RAM. If that’s not the problem, head to #atm9-techsupport and send ?logs to see how to upload your crash/latest log.

I crashed and got Error code 1, please help

Exit code 1 is a generic error from Minecraft. It is no different than “game didn’t load, no longer attempting to load. Please refer to the output error log created by your launcher” if you are unsure… please feel free to ask for further instructions on how to locate, post, and get help for your specific error so that we may further assist you in our Discord. Try running ?logs instead.

I’m having issues connecting to a LAN/Essentials world

To fix LAN/Essential some people have removed Logprot, some Oculus, some Supplementaries. None are guaranteed, none are the actual fix. We are unable reproduce it in Dev to properly diagnose it. LAN is highly unstable in big modpacks like these.