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Material for MkDocs provides dedicated styles for primary and secondary buttons that can be added to any link, label or button element. This is especially useful for documents or landing pages with dedicated call-to-actions.


In order to render a link as a button, suffix it with curly braces and add the .md-button class selector to it.

[Subscribe to our newsletter](#){ .md-button }

Subscribe to our newsletter

Adding primary buttons¶

If you want to display a filled, primary button (like on the landing page of Material for MkDocs), add both, the .md-button and .md-button–primary CSS class selectors.

[Subscribe to our newsletter](#){ .md-button .md-button--primary }

Subscribe to our newsletter

Adding icon buttons¶

Of course, icons can be added to all types of buttons by using the icon syntax together with any valid icon shortcode, which can be easily found with a few keystrokes through icon search.

[Send :fontawesome-solid-paper-plane:](#){ .md-button }
