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Data Tables

Data tables can be used at any position in your project documentation and can contain arbitrary Markdown, including inline code blocks, as well as icons and emojis:

| Method      | Description                          |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `GET`       | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`       | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE`    | :material-close:     Delete resource |
Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource

Content Alignment

If you want to align a specific column to the left, center or right, you can use the regular Markdown syntax placing : characters at the beginning and/or end of the divider.


| Method      | Description                          |
| :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
| `GET`       | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`       | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE`    | :material-close:     Delete resource |
Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource


| Method      | Description                          |
| :---------: | :----------------------------------: |
| `GET`       | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`       | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE`    | :material-close:     Delete resource |
Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource
| Method      | Description                          |
| ----------: | -----------------------------------: |
| `GET`       | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`       | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE`    | :material-close:     Delete resource |
Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource