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This page will go over extra typography features. If you’re not familiar with Markdown, it’s best to read Markdown Cheatsheet

Critic Markup can be used, which adds the ability to highlight suggested changes, as well as add inline comments to a document:

Text can be deleted and replacement text added. This can also be combined into onea single operation. Highlighting is also possible and comments can be added inline.

Formatting can also be applied to blocks by putting the opening and closing tags on separate lines and adding new lines between the tags and the content.

Highlighting Text

Text can be highlighted with a simple syntax, which is more convenient that directly using the corresponding mark, ins and del HTML tags:

- ==This was marked==
- ^^This was inserted^^
- ~~This was deleted~~
  • This was marked
  • This was inserted
  • This was deleted

Sub and Super Scripts

Text can be sub- and superscripted with a simple syntax, which is more convenient than directly using the corresponding sub and sup HTML tags:

- H~2~O
- A^T^A
  • H2O
  • ATA

Adding Keyboard Keys

Keyboard keys can be rendered with a simple syntax. Consult the Python Markdown Extensions documentation to learn all available shortcodes:






Left Button+Middle Button+Right Button

Adding Material Icons

You can also add icons to better convey what may go in your guide!

Material Design Icons contains all of the icons you can use within ATG.

Icons can have hoverable tooltips also!

Replace mdi with material

You need to replace mdi with material for the icons to work. For example on the website it’s listed as mdi-information-outline, you need to change it to material-information-outline.


Un-Ordered Lists

- Nulla et rhoncus turpis. Mauris ultricies elementum leo. Duis efficitur
  accumsan nibh eu mattis. Vivamus tempus velit eros, porttitor placerat nibh
  lacinia sed. Aenean in finibus diam.

    * Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis.
    * Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla.
    * Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.
  • Nulla et rhoncus turpis. Mauris ultricies elementum leo. Duis efficitur accumsan nibh eu mattis. Vivamus tempus velit eros, porttitor placerat nibh lacinia sed. Aenean in finibus diam.

    • Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis.
    • Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla.
    • Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.

Ordered Lists

1.  Vivamus id mi enim. Integer id turpis sapien. Ut condimentum lobortis
    sagittis. Aliquam purus tellus, faucibus eget urna at, iaculis venenatis
    nulla. Vivamus a pharetra leo.

    1.  Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet rutrum. Pellentesque aliquet
        quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a. Nam vehicula nunc mauris, a
        ultricies libero efficitur sed.

    2.  Morbi eget dapibus felis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet
        rutrum. Pellentesque aliquet quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a.

        1.  Mauris dictum mi lacus
        2.  Ut sit amet placerat ante
        3.  Suspendisse ac eros arcu
  1. Vivamus id mi enim. Integer id turpis sapien. Ut condimentum lobortis sagittis. Aliquam purus tellus, faucibus eget urna at, iaculis venenatis nulla. Vivamus a pharetra leo.

    1. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet rutrum. Pellentesque aliquet quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a. Nam vehicula nunc mauris, a ultricies libero efficitur sed.

    2. Morbi eget dapibus felis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tortor sit amet rutrum. Pellentesque aliquet quam enim, eu volutpat urna rutrum a.

      1. Mauris dictum mi lacus
      2. Ut sit amet placerat ante
      3. Suspendisse ac eros arcu

Definition Lists:

`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet`

:   Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum. Donec vitae suscipit est. Nullam tempus
    tellus non sem sollicitudin, quis rutrum leo facilisis.

`Cras arcu libero`

:   Aliquam metus eros, pretium sed nulla venenatis, faucibus auctor ex. Proin
    ut eros sed sapien ullamcorper consequat. Nunc ligula ante.

    Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis.
    Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla.
    Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum. Donec vitae suscipit est. Nullam tempus tellus non sem sollicitudin, quis rutrum leo facilisis.

Cras arcu libero

Aliquam metus eros, pretium sed nulla venenatis, faucibus auctor ex. Proin ut eros sed sapien ullamcorper consequat. Nunc ligula ante.

Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis. Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla. Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.

Task Lists

- [x] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
- [ ] Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
    * [x] In hac habitasse platea dictumst
    * [x] In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
    * [ ] Praesent sed risus massa
- [ ] Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
    • In hac habitasse platea dictumst
    • In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
    • Praesent sed risus massa
  • Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque

Tool Tips

The Markdown syntax allows to specify a title for each link, which will render as a tooltip. Add a tooltip to a link with the following lines:

Link Tooltip Title
[Hover me]( "I'm a tooltip!")

Hover me

Link Reference Tooltip
[Hover me][example]

  [example]: "I'm a tooltip!"

Tooltips can also be added to link references:

Hover me

For all other elements, a title can be added by using the Attribute Lists extension:

:material-information-outline:{ title="Important information" }

Adding Abbreviations

Abbreviations can be defined by using a special syntax similar to URLs and footnotes, starting with a * and immediately followed by the term or acronym to be associated in square bracket. Once an abbreviation is defined, it can be used anywhere in the document.

Example Abbreviation Usage
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

Adding a Glossary

Example Glossary
Lorem ipsum[^1] dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim[^2] ad minim veniam, quis nostrud 
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    This is a glossary that will be added at the bottom of the page and is clickable.
    This is also a glossary at the end of the page.
Lorem ipsum1 dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim2 ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Adding Hidden Comments

You can add comments within an document to communicate with other contributors that may edit the file.

<!--- This comment will not be rendered in the final HTML file. --->

This comment will also not be rendered in the final HTML file. 

However, the two examples above will show in “View Source” if a user does so. To prevent that there is another way to add comments.

[//]: # (This type of comment will not show in either the final HTML or in "View Source")

  1. This is a glossary that will be added at the bottom of the page and is clickable. 

  2. This is also a glossary at the end of the page.