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All The Translations

FTB Quests 1.21+

Translating lang files and previewing them all while in-game is now possible. I may or may not adjust this page to include that method, as it would a slight rewrite of this guide.

Don’t know how to work GitHub?

Follow these steps to download the quest language file and then you can start translating it.

After you’re done ask a staff member in the Discord and they can help you get your translations submitted and put into the main pack!


There is no set or forced timeline for translations. Work on them at your own pace! PR them however you want, either as whole chapters, sections of chapters, or even the whole thing if you want. We are incredibly grateful for any contributions you make!

Also, tell a staff member that you’d like to translate so they can give you access to the #translation-department, where you can ask questions and collaborate with other translators!

Important note for packs in development

If you are translating a pack that is under active development, then you need to use the lang file from the dev branch, not main. The dev branch will always contain the most up-to-date quest lang file that you will translate.

Regarding AI/Machine translations

We are not looking for AI/Machine translations. We are looking for native speakers who are looking to put in the effort to make sure grammar is correct for readers of that language. We would’ve done it ourselves if we wanted a cheap attempt at quest translations.

Getting Started

This guide will take you in chronological order from Forking a repo, to making a Commit, and then submitting a Pull Request (PR). You can also click on any of the images to enlarge them.


Fork the Repository

Fork the modpack/mod you want to translate. Make sure Copy the main branch only is checked.

The links should take you directly to the Create a new fork page.

All The Mods GitHub for any modpack that isn’t listed above.

Click "Fork" and then it'll take you the page in the 2nd image Remember to use the dev branch if you are translating a modpack under active development

Clone main branch

This will Clone your fork from GitHub onto your computer.

GitHub Desktop

Go to File -> Clone repository... OR Ctrl+Shift+o, select your ATM Modpack fork, the select To contribute to the parent project.

I recommend putting the repository under C:/Users/yourPCName for easy access

Click "File" then "Clone repository...". Select the repo you just forked and set the location to want the repo to save to. Select "To contribute to the parent project" and continue.

After cloning the repository go to where you cloned it on your computer and navigate to packName/kubejs/assets/kubejs/lang, then copy and paste the en_us.json file into the same spot.

For 1.21+: The lang file will be under packName/config/ftbquests/quests/lang/en_us.snbt.

Rename the copied en_us.json to the language code of the lanuage you want to translate. All language codes can be found below or here.

Language Codes

Language Codes (Ctrl+F to find language)
Code Language
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)
ar_AE Arabic (U.A.E.)
ar_BH Arabic (Bahrain)
ar_DZ Arabic (Algeria)
ar_EG Arabic (Egypt)
ar_IQ Arabic (Iraq)
ar_JO Arabic (Jordan)
ar_KW Arabic (Kuwait)
ar_LB Arabic (Lebanon)
ar_LY Arabic (Libya)
ar_MA Arabic (Morocco)
ar_OM Arabic (Oman)
ar_QA Arabic (Qatar)
ar_SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
ar_SY Arabic (Syria)
ar_TN Arabic (Tunisia)
ar_YE Arabic (Yemen)
az_AZ Azeri (Latin)
az_AZ Azeri (Cyrillic)
be_BY Belarusian (Belarus)
bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
bs_BA Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ca_ES Catalan (Spain)
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic)
cy_GB Welsh (United Kingdom)
da_DK Danish (Denmark)
de_AT German (Austria)
de_CH German (Switzerland)
de_DE German (Germany)
de_LI German (Liechtenstein)
de_LU German (Luxembourg)
dv_MV Divehi (Maldives)
el_GR Greek (Greece)
en_AU English (Australia)
en_BZ English (Belize)
en_CA English (Canada)
en_CB English (Caribbean)
en_GB English (United Kingdom)
en_IE English (Ireland)
en_JM English (Jamaica)
en_NZ English (New Zealand)
en_PH English (Republic of the Philippines)
en_TT English (Trinidad and Tobago)
en_US English (United States)
en_ZA English (South Africa)
en_ZW English (Zimbabwe)
es_AR Spanish (Argentina)
es_BO Spanish (Bolivia)
es_CL Spanish (Chile)
es_CO Spanish (Colombia)
es_CR Spanish (Costa Rica)
es_DO Spanish (Dominican Republic)
es_EC Spanish (Ecuador)
es_ES Spanish (Castilian)
es_ES Spanish (Spain)
es_GT Spanish (Guatemala)
es_HN Spanish (Honduras)
es_MX Spanish (Mexico)
es_NI Spanish (Nicaragua)
es_PA Spanish (Panama)
es_PE Spanish (Peru)
es_PR Spanish (Puerto Rico)
es_PY Spanish (Paraguay)
es_SV Spanish (El Salvador)
es_UY Spanish (Uruguay)
es_VE Spanish (Venezuela)
et_EE Estonian (Estonia)
eu_ES Basque (Spain)
fa_IR Farsi (Iran)
fi_FI Finnish (Finland)
fo_FO Faroese (Faroe Islands)
fr_BE French (Belgium)
fr_CA French (Canada)
fr_CH French (Switzerland)
fr_FR French (France)
fr_LU French (Luxembourg)
fr_MC French (Principality of Monaco)
gl_ES Galician (Spain)
gu_IN Gujarati (India)
he_IL Hebrew (Israel)
hi_IN Hindi (India)
hr_BA Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
hr_HR Croatian (Croatia)
hu_HU Hungarian (Hungary)
hy_AM Armenian (Armenia)
id_ID Indonesian (Indonesia)
is_IS Icelandic (Iceland)
it_CH Italian (Switzerland)
it_IT Italian (Italy)
ja_JP Japanese (Japan)
ka_GE Georgian (Georgia)
kk_KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
kn_IN Kannada (India)
ko_KR Korean (Korea)
kok_IN Konkani (India)
ky_KG Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)
lt_LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)
lv_LV Latvian (Latvia)
mi_NZ Maori (New Zealand)
mk_MK FYRO Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
mn_MN Mongolian (Mongolia)
mr_IN Marathi (India)
ms_BN Malay (Brunei Darussalam)
ms_MY Malay (Malaysia)
mt_MT Maltese (Malta)
nb_NO Norwegian (Bokm?l) (Norway)
nl_BE Dutch (Belgium)
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands)
nn_NO Norwegian (Nynorsk) (Norway)
ns_ZA Northern Sotho (South Africa)
pa_IN Punjabi (India)
pl_PL Polish (Poland)
ps_AR Pashto (Afghanistan)
pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal)
qu_BO Quechua (Bolivia)
qu_EC Quechua (Ecuador)
qu_PE Quechua (Peru)
ro_RO Romanian (Romania)
ru_RU Russian (Russia)
sa_IN Sanskrit (India)
se_FI Sami (Northern) (Finland)
se_FI Sami (Skolt) (Finland)
se_FI Sami (Inari) (Finland)
se_NO Sami (Northern) (Norway)
se_NO Sami (Lule) (Norway)
se_NO Sami (Southern) (Norway)
se_SE Sami (Northern) (Sweden)
se_SE Sami (Lule) (Sweden)
se_SE Sami (Southern) (Sweden)
sk_SK Slovak (Slovakia)
sl_SI Slovenian (Slovenia)
sq_AL Albanian (Albania)
sr_BA Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
sr_BA Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
sr_SP Serbian (Latin) (Serbia and Montenegro)
sr_SP Serbian (Cyrillic) (Serbia and Montenegro)
sv_FI Swedish (Finland)
sv_SE Swedish (Sweden)
sw_KE Swahili (Kenya)
syr_SY Syriac (Syria)
ta_IN Tamil (India)
te_IN Telugu (India)
th_TH Thai (Thailand)
tl_PH Tagalog (Philippines)
tn_ZA Tswana (South Africa)
tr_TR Turkish (Turkey)
tt_RU Tatar (Russia)
uk_UA Ukrainian (Ukraine)
ur_PK Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
uz_UZ Uzbek (Latin) (Uzbekistan)
uz_UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic) (Uzbekistan)
vi_VN Vietnamese (Viet Nam)
xh_ZA Xhosa (South Africa)
zh_CN Chinese (S)
zh_HK Chinese (Hong Kong)
zh_MO Chinese (Macau)
zh_SG Chinese (Singapore)
zh_TW Chinese (T)
zu_ZA Zulu (South Africa)

Another Optional Way

Instead of copying the entire repo onto your computer, you can also download only the lang file for the respective pack and translate it.

Download the en_us.json lang file from the respective pack, the links below are the most up-to-date files the translations are to be based off of.

  • For 1.20.1 and before: The lang file will be under packName/kubejs/assets/kubejs/lang/en_us.json.
  • For 1.21+: The lang file will be under packName/config/ftbquests/quests/lang/en_us.snbt.

As state in the beginning, if you are translating a pack that is in active development, then you need to use the same file path as above but for the dev branch.

How ATM Quests Work

Before you get to translating you’ll want to know how ATM quests work. ATM Quests use a key:value system to make quest creation and translation efforts easier. It works by assigning a value (ex: a quest description) to a key (ex: a specific quest).

For example would point to the quest to make Mekanism Alloy.

The format for quests are as follows:

ATM quests also use Minecraft Formatting Codes for colored text, so make sure you put those color codes back in after translating!

You will also see //n which puts the text on a new line, so be sure to put those back in their proper places also.


You can view your translations as you do them by doing /refresh to view changes in-game. Make sure to change Minecraft’s language to view it.

Commit (Updating)

Once you’re committed to your translations, you can then Commit them, then make a Pull Request against both main branches / repositories.

Committing Changes

Depending on current setup, you may have an editor (Visual Studio Code), that has Git integration. You’re free to use this, Github Desktop, or Git.

Making a commit with GitHub Desktop
  1. Fill out the Summary and Description on the bottom left
  2. Click Commit to main when you’re ready to commit.

If you made a mistake, you can undo the commit in the bottom left. Otherwise click Push origin to push the commit to GitHub.

You can undo your commit if you changed your mind. If all is good then you can push to origin.

Making a commit if you downloaded just the lang file
  1. Go to your repository on the website and go to same spot you downloaded the en_us.json lang file from.
  2. Click Add file in the top right and click Upload files
  3. Upload your translated lang file, fill out the description of changes you made, and click Commit changes

Pull Request

After pushing to origin, there should be a yellow banner on the main repository that says main had recent pushes X seconds ago. Click Compare & pull request.

When submitting a PR (Pull Request), you’re requesting us to Pull translations from your Repository (Fork) to be approve & merged into the official pack. This is done in browser by going to the modpack’s repository and creating a PR from your main branch to ours.

Making Quick Edits

This requires you to have committed your lang file at least once.

Instead of going through the above process again to do a small correction or addition, you can do an edit directly in your browser!

1. Go to your fork of the pack you are translating and navigate to kubejs/assets/kubejs/lang and click on your lang file.

2. Click the little edit button in the top-right under the History button. Yes I use light mode for GitHub, bite me.

3. After you are done with your edits, click Commit changes... and fill out what changes you made, then click Commit changes

4. Now when you go to the “homepage” of your fork, there should be a yellow banner that has a Compare & pull request button. That will be how you make a PR for your quick edit.

More Resources

Most of everything you need to know is explained in this guide, however if you have questions or concerns feel free to ask in the #translation-department!

Translator Credits

Translators who have contributed translations to ATM packs/mods.

Language Translators
🇨🇳 Chinese ZHAY10086, hbcraft, Amoerrt
🇳🇱 Dutch Acetyld
🇩🇪 German Aquamatik, TheDyreBanana, Acetyld
🇮🇹 Italian Il-mostro-di-gioacchinopoli
🇯🇵 Japanese flll, Abbage230
🇰🇷 Korean J-YonKen, sub-hub
🇳🇴 Norwegian Permest
🇵🇹 Portugese oRuiva, Thomas, Alucard1313
🇷🇺 Russian SlavaVas
🇪🇸 Spanish RadzRatz, 102389 (TenCross), t3mpt0n
🇹🇷 Turkish RuyaSavascisi
Last updated 12/05/24

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